Heating Assistance Programs
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
Food Distribution Building, behind Community Building
Weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Phone: 518-358-2272
Mission: To assist low income households with energy costs
The LIHEAP program takes in applications from residents of the U.S. portion of the Reservation. This involves income verification, household composition, and residence (utility bill). Applicants are notified by mail whether they have been approved or denied. Dealers are notified of approvals and the amount of the benefit. A file is maintained for each applicant and includes such information as documentation of birth certificates/Social Security cards, fuel and electric bills, income statements, etc. A log is maintained that records all transactions and is organized according to household and dealer.
LIHEAP Informational Brochure 2023-2024
Tribal Heating Assistance Program
Compliance or LIHEAP offices
Weekdays, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Phone: 518-358-2272
The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe independently funds a winter fuel assistance program for tribal members. The program begins in late fall or early winter depending upon the availability of funds. The program is based upon current market pricing predictions as it is used to establish the program budget and the estimated number of applicants for the heating season.
Applicants must their provide their full name, physical address (not post office box), Tribal Enrollment card number, their fuel dealer, the account number or name on account and their heating source. Applicants must also provide any two (2) of the following forms of documentation as proof of residency: land line phone bill, electric bill, gas bill, fuel bill and/or driver’s license.
The program provides funding for community members to purchase fuel oil, kerosene, propane, wood, wood pellets, electric or natural gas from a tribally-licensed or tribally-registered vendor. The program is managed by both the Tribe’s Compliance and Food Distribution programs.